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Gum Recession Treatment
San Antonio & Pleasanton, TX

Gum Recession Treatments in San Antonio provided by Drs. Hosseini & Brummerhop at

Periodontist holding model of teeth and gumsTaking care of your teeth and gums may seem tedious, but the consequences of not doing so are not fun. Oral complications such as gum disease can occur if you don't take proper care of your teeth.

What is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a common dental issue that occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition not only affects the appearance of your smile but also poses potential risks to oral health.

Importance of Gum Recession Treatment

While gum recession may start as a cosmetic concern, it can evolve into a more serious oral health issue if left untreated. Exposed tooth roots are more susceptible to decay and sensitivity, and the loss of supportive gum tissue can lead to tooth mobility and eventual tooth loss. For these reasons, seeking timely treatment is crucial.

Causes of Gum Recession

Gum recession can result from a variety of factors, which include:
•  Advanced gum disease
•  Poor oral hygiene habits
•  Brushing with excessive force or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
•  Genetically predisposition to having thinner or more fragile gum tissues
•  Misaligned teeth or bite issues

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Recession

Exposed tooth roots are the most obvious sign of receding gums. Other symptoms include discomfort or pain along the gum line, along with sensitivity during brushing, flossing, or dental cleanings, or when eating hot, cold, or sweet foods.

If gum recession is left untreated, it can cause more serious oral health problems, including bone loss, tooth mobility, and even tooth loss. Contact us immediately if you are currently experiencing any of these symptoms.

Gum Recession Treatment Options

Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists offers multiple procedures for gum recession treatment. Your individual condition will determine which one is best for you.

For early-stage gum disease contributing to recession, we recommend a deep cleaning procedure known as scaling and root planing. This involves removing plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and smoothing the roots to promote gum reattachment.

Gum grafting is a common surgical procedure for more advanced cases of gum recession. During the procedure, a small amount of gum tissue is taken from another part of the mouth or a donor source and attached to the areas with recession. This helps cover exposed roots and prevents further gum loss.

Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST) is a minimally invasive procedure that doesn't require incisions or sutures, resulting in a quicker recovery. PST involves making tiny holes in the gum tissue and using specialized instruments to gently reposition the gums over the exposed roots.

We also employ periodontal plastic surgery, which contains various surgical techniques such as free gingival grafts, pedicle grafts, and guided tissue regeneration. These aim to enhance the appearance of the gum tissues and address recession.

If misaligned teeth are contributing to gum recession, you may need orthodontic treatment to correct your bite and reduce excessive forces on the gums.

The Gum Recession Treatment Process

During your initial consultation, we conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and a comprehensive assessment of your oral health. We will then discuss the available treatment options, taking the time to explain each procedure, its benefits, and expected outcomes so that you can make an informed decision.

Aftercare for Gum Recession Treatment

Following gum recession treatment, maintaining good oral hygiene practices is essential for long-term success. Our periodontal team provides detailed post-treatment care instructions and schedules follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for ensuring the health and stability of your gums.

Common FAQs about Gum Recession Treatment

Can gum recession be reversed without treatment?

Once it is underway, gum recession cannot reverse on its own. However, early intervention with appropriate treatment can halt its progression and, in some cases, restore gum health. Seeking professional help is crucial to address the underlying causes and implement effective treatment strategies to prevent further recession.

Is Gum Recession Treatment Painful?

Gum recession treatment generally involves only minimal pain, thanks to advancements in dental techniques and anesthesia. We often use local anesthesia to numb the treated area, ensuring that our patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedures. Following treatment, any discomfort is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How long does gum recession treatment take?

The duration of gum recession treatment varies depending on the severity of the recession and the chosen treatment approach. Non-surgical methods, such as scaling and root planing, may only need a single visit. Surgical procedures like gum grafting or the Pinhole Surgical Technique may take longer, often requiring multiple appointments.

Will my gums fully recover after treatment?

The extent of gum recovery depends on various factors, including the severity of the recession, the chosen treatment method, and individual oral health. In many cases, it is possible to effectively treat gum recession so that the gums can partially or fully recover. Surgical techniques like gum grafting aim to restore lost tissue, providing improved coverage for exposed tooth roots.

Can I prevent gum recession in the future?

While some factors contributing to gum recession, such as genetic predispositions, are beyond our control, several preventive measures can help minimize the risk of recurrence.

Brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup and come in for routine dental checkups so that we can detect problems early. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid excessive force on the gums during brushing. We may recommend a night guard to protect your teeth and gums if you grind your teeth.

Orthodontic treatment can help correct bite issues, reducing the likelihood of gum recession caused by misaligned teeth. Avoiding tobacco use can also significantly improve oral health. Conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can impact gum health. Managing your overall health contributes to better oral well-being.

Restore Your Gum Health with Gum Recession Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists is fully equipped with a variety of treatment options to deal with a wide array of dental problems. If you're experiencing any oral health issues, reach out to us right away.

San Antonio:
Stone Oak

1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78258-4235

(210) 614-4700

San Antonio:
Alamo Ranch

11019 Culebra Rd
Ste 162
San Antonio, TX 78253

(210) 614-4700

800 N. Bryant St
Pleasanton, TX 78064

(210) 614-4700

Monday-Friday: 7:30AM – 3:30PM

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Gum Recession Treatment - San Antonio • Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists
Restore gum health in San Antonio with expert treatment at Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists. Don't let recession compromise your smile.
Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists, 1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120, San Antonio, TX 78258 \ (210) 614-4700 \ \ 9/20/2024 \ Associated Words: Dental Implants San Antonio TX \