Tooth extraction is needed when you have severe tooth decay, fracture, or crowding of your teeth. The dentists can either extract one or multiple teeth at once. They review your condition and determine the best treatment modality. However, how many teeth can they safely extract at once?
Extraction of Multiple Teeth
The process of extracting multiple teeth is complicated compared to one-tooth extraction. Extraction of multiple teeth at once will lead to other dental issues, such as the reduction of the volume of the jawbone. Only qualified dentists should perform multiple teeth extraction because it can lead to complications if not correctly done.
Multiple teeth can be extracted when you have advanced tooth decay, severe injury, or advanced periodontal disease. The procedure starts with diagnostic tests such as x-rays which help to check the extent of the problem and identify the affected teeth. The extraction process is invasive and should be done under anesthesia. The dentists will offer pain medications or anti-inflammatory drugs to minimize pain and swelling after the procedure. There is no limit to the number of teeth that can be extracted at once. However, dentists only recommend removing multiple teeth at once only when necessary.
Complications of Multiple Teeth Extraction
Multiple teeth extraction can leave you vulnerable to other dental problems. Some possible complications include bleeding, which is common with multiple teeth extraction. You can manage the bleeding through the use of gauze on the extraction site. Pain and swelling are also other significant complications. The pain is primarily located in the extraction sites, and swelling occurs around the cheeks and teeth.
Jawbone reduction or loss can occur when you extract many teeth at once. Your natural teeth stimulate the jawbone, which causes it to regrow. When you don't have teeth in position, your bone will reduce in volume and mass.
Recovery Period after Multiple Teeth Extraction
The recovery period is dependent on the nature of the extraction. To speed up the healing process, ensure you use cold packs and take enough rest. You can visit our dentist for a follow-up in case of any issues.
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