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How to Prevent Periodontal Diseases

Posted on 12/1/2023 by Weo Admin
Woman with dental pain due to gum disease.Periodontal diseases are a result of any inflammations and infections in the gum and the bones surrounding it. Dealing with it as a problem before it happens is undoubtedly a good thing. Diseases are not what we'd want in our bodies, especially if it has any relation with our facial looks and oral appearance. Even more interesting, 47.2% of adults, that is ranging from 30 years and 70.1% of adults who are past 60 years have periodontal diseases and yet some do not know how to prevent themselves from this. It is worth it, for the smile after all. Drawing our focus on the things you can do to fight periodontal diseases.

Risk factors

Periodontal diseases are caused by some of the things we involve ourselves in and generally our medical history. People who smoke and those with diabetes are most likely to get the disease. Poor oral hygiene, stress, hereditary diseases, poor bridges, female hormonal changes (like pregnancy or using contraceptives), and dental implants that are unfit and crooked teeth are other factors that may increase your chances.

How to prevent

Improving your oral hygiene and regular professional cleaning are the main ways. Periodontists also recommend deep cleaning of the root surfaces and also below the gums. Brushing your teeth on a daily basis helps in the removal of the bacteria that cause periodontal diseases. These bacteria hide in the plaque and in severe conditions they might destroy your facial aesthesis. For dental implants, you are advised to consider an electric brush that may be more effective in cleaning the plaque out. You are also advised to eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 acids. This nutrient promotes overall health and healing. Our facility also offers medications that are placed under the gums depending on your needs. Contact us today.

San Antonio:
Stone Oak

1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78258-4235

(210) 614-4700

San Antonio:
Alamo Ranch

11019 Culebra Rd
Ste 162
San Antonio, TX 78253

(210) 614-4700

800 N. Bryant St
Pleasanton, TX 78064

(210) 614-4700

Monday-Friday: 7:30AM – 3:30PM

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Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists, 1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120, San Antonio, TX 78258 + (210) 614-4700 + + 3/12/2025 + Page Keywords: Dental Implants San Antonio TX +