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Dental Sedatives and Their Essence

Posted on 9/11/2023 by Amir Hosseini, DDS
Dental Sedatives and Their EssenceDental anxiety affects millions of patients and makes it hard for them to visit the dentist. However, dentists use sedatives to help patients relax during dental procedures. There are various sorts of dental sedatives, each with its personal benefits. They include the following:

Nitrous oxide sedation

Nitrous oxide sedation, also called laughing gas, is one of the most common forms of dental sedation. Administered through a nose-fitting mask, it lets the patient breathe a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Nitrous oxide sedation is right for patients with slight to mild tension and our facilitates offer the service under closer supervision.

Oral sedation

Oral sedation involves drugs like Valium or Halcyon which are both taken through the mouth before dental operations. These drugs help patients feel a sense of comfort and sleep. The patient will be conscious and responsive during surgical procedures, however, they may bear in mind little after surgery. Oral sedation is good for people with moderate to excessive tension.

Intravenous sedation

IV sedation is administered intravenously and allows the drug to work quickly. It is adjusted during the procedure to ensure the affected person's comfort. Intravenous sedation is administered to patients with excessive tension or those with extra complex dental anxiety.

Standard anesthesia

Standard anesthesia is deep sedation that leaves the patient unconscious. Commonly reserved for patients with severe dental tension during predominant dental surgery. Anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist, who has to closely monitor the affected person's signs and symptoms during the procedure.

Visit Us

Dental sedation allows patients to fight their fear of incisions and eventually receive the care they deserve. Our dentists can assist you to decide the quality of sedation for your needs primarily based on your anxiety stage and the complexity of the procedure. Dental sedatives allow patients to revel in an extra relaxed and stress-free environment.

San Antonio:
Stone Oak

1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78258-4235

(210) 614-4700

San Antonio:
Alamo Ranch

11019 Culebra Rd
Ste 162
San Antonio, TX 78253

(210) 614-4700

800 N. Bryant St
Pleasanton, TX 78064

(210) 614-4700

Monday-Friday: 7:30AM – 3:30PM

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Aesthetic Periodontal & Implant Specialists, 1130 E Sonterra Blvd, Suite 120, San Antonio, TX 78258 ^ (210) 614-4700 ^ ^ 3/10/2025 ^ Related Terms: Dental Implants San Antonio TX ^