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Types of Bone Graft in Dentistry

Posted on 2/20/2023 by Amir Hosseini, DDS
Types of Bone Graft in DentistryA bone graft is recommended when you have severe bone loss, or your jawbone is not strong enough to support its structures. The process involves adding new bone that will facilitate the regeneration of your bone. Dentistry has multiple types of bone grafts, and the oral surgeon will recommend the best based on your needs and budget.

Autograft Bone Grafts

The autograft bone grafts are derived from the patient's own body. The doctor will extract the bone from other areas of the body such as the hard palate or chin. The main advantage of this type of bone graft is that there are minimal chances of graft rejection since it is derived from the same body. The major drawbacks of these grafts are that they risk infection and pain at the harvest area, and they will require extra surgery.

Allograft Bone Grafts

Allografts are derived from another person, mainly deceased donors. Before extracting the bone graft, the doctors must establish whether the donor has any infections. The graft must undergo various treatments to ensure it is suitable for you. The risk of rejection and immune reaction is relatively high.

Xenograft Bone Grafts

Xenografts are extracted from animals such as pigs or cows. The graft needs to be processed to ensure that it only has minerals. Xenografts offer excellent support to your jawbone and facilitate the growth of new bone.

Alloplast Bone Grafts

The alloplast is also referred to as synthetic grafts and is created from compounds such as minerals. Most of these grafts are made using hydroxyapatite, a mineral that has various bioactive glasses. It is most preferred as it has no infections and will not require incision of other areas. The main drawback is that it will not stimulate your body to form new bone, and fragments of the bone can remain in your mouth for years.

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